After watching world news, reading the local newspaper, and one small panick attack later.....I realize that I have no idea how to prepare these little girls of mine for life in this day and age. I realize I need to teach them things that will get them through sound, unharmed, unscathed. I'd like to see them self-reliant, ambitious, strong, smart, and compassionate. I know every mom wants this for their children...so I am calling on all those wise to the world to post some words of wisdom for my babies as they grow up in this world of diseases, predators, cheats, terrorists and oh ya, boys. Who has advice for these two....and the mother that will guide them through....?
Go ahead, click on comments and list a few things you think these little girls should know as they head into this world!
I'll start with a few I am teaching them now:
1. Dance and laugh often, its infectious.
2. Share and consider others and most often they will do the same for you.
3. Try lots of things, travel, explore, discover, learn.