September 18, 2008

Norah's first haircut!

Oh my precious bugga.. you have been dreaming of this day for so long. Ever since we took Madelynn for a haircut a few months ago, you have reinacted "hair salon" at home for days on end. You were fascinated with the hair washing station and at home you would lay on a pillow so your head would hang off the end and pretend Kori was washing your hair. Well today was your turn and you did so well! You loved every minute of it and were very patient with the process. Afterwards you were a whole new kid, and yes, bug, your new hair cut is "bery bery" pretty. Girl, you've been wearing those glasses for days, and I just think it sums up your personality, along with the scarf that you tuck in the back of your underware so you can have a tail.


September 15, 2008

The distractions of an active mind.

Norah is at an age where she cannot, completely cannot perform a single task when asked only once, or repeatedly for that matter. For example, this morning I sent her upstairs to get her empty sip cup so I could fill it with milk. " OK!" she yells and skedattles upstairs. She comes down a few minutes later with a fairy dress on and 2 binkies in her mouth. "Norah, sip cup please", "OH YA!!" she sacheys upstairs again. This time comes down in a purple swim suit. " MOM! I'm a scuba girl, a purple scuba girl!!!!" I realize the sip cup is not coming downstairs, so I head up to find it. I notice it has been moved, she did go up and pick it up, but it has been discarded on the floor in a heap of distractions. Oh its got to be tough being 2.

September 12, 2008


Norah has a great set of friends and finally has her own individual playgroup set up every Monday, just like Madelynn had at her age. It rotates houses each week and this week was our turn to host.

Norah is the oldest and so far the only one potty trained, so I was on diaper duty. At one point I went around the room asking each child if they had poops.

"Dane, do you have poops?"

Uh uh

"Reece, do you have poops?"

no uh

Jaime, do you have poops?

shakes her head

"Norah do you have poops?"


"Teddy bear, do you have poops?"

Laughter again....

"Truck do you have poops?"

Laughter from everyone.

Norah says, " MOM! Trucks don't have butts!!! Only WE do!!!"

September 10, 2008

South Dakota Road Trip!

This summer we decided to road trip it for our vacation. The girls are semi-old enough to handle the car ride and after 7 hours, and they did really well. Except for the "she's looking at me" fights and the "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom" coming from the back of the car, I was really impressed with how they did. When we arrived at the KOA Mt Rushmore, it was like the pearly gates of heaven opening up and songs sung by little cherubs were fluttering by our ears. This place has it all, as a matter of fact, the first day of our trip, we stayed at the camp ground just to check it out. This place has stables and horseback riding, pools and a splash zone, a jumping pillow, putt putt golf, movies on the lawn, playground, pancake breakfasts, hay rides, live music at night, ice cream parlor, pizza place, laundry....I mean...we could never have left and had a great time.

We saw Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Bear Country USA, and Old McDonalds Petting Zoo. The girls love it, had a blast and we can't wait to go again.