September 15, 2008

The distractions of an active mind.

Norah is at an age where she cannot, completely cannot perform a single task when asked only once, or repeatedly for that matter. For example, this morning I sent her upstairs to get her empty sip cup so I could fill it with milk. " OK!" she yells and skedattles upstairs. She comes down a few minutes later with a fairy dress on and 2 binkies in her mouth. "Norah, sip cup please", "OH YA!!" she sacheys upstairs again. This time comes down in a purple swim suit. " MOM! I'm a scuba girl, a purple scuba girl!!!!" I realize the sip cup is not coming downstairs, so I head up to find it. I notice it has been moved, she did go up and pick it up, but it has been discarded on the floor in a heap of distractions. Oh its got to be tough being 2.

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