Yesterday we had lunch with Gramma for Mother's Day. On the drive down to meet her, I was trying to get Madelynn to say Happy Mother's Day Gramma! so that when we arrived she would flawlessly greet Gramma as rigorously trained. When we arrived she promptly said, without hesitation, and before Gramma had actually exited her car......Happy Mother's Day Gramma! I was so proud.
After lunch, on the drive home...This is our conversation after a long silence.....
Madelynn: Happy Mother's Day, MOM! (my heart melted!)
Me: Thanks babe! I appreciate that.
Madelynn: Happy Mother's Day, Dad.
Me: Dad's not a Mother! Dad's a Father. You can say Happy Father's Day, Dad!
Madelynn: (pausing as she attempts the confusing nouns) Happy........Mother's Day,........Father!
She's got a sweet heart.