Its a ritual, our parting of ways. What once was a kiss and a hug, is now a long, sequential order of actions prompted strictly by our 2 year old. On they way out the door, bedtime, naptime, going to get the mail or using the bathroom...Here is how it goes, in sequential order..
traditional kiss, Eskimo kiss, butterfly kiss on the right cheek, butterfly kiss on the left check, small hug, small kiss, BIG HUG finale. Occasionally, and you never know when she will pull this one out, she will add a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the back.
When Matt and I are both home and we are putting her to bed, sometimes we will each lay down with her and snuggle on each side of her. We talk about our day and the fun things that happened and look forward to what the next day will offer. Matt will kiss Madelynn on one cheek, I kiss her on the other side and then we go back and forth faster and faster until we are both kissing loudly on each check reminding me of a Will Farrell movie, and she laughs and giggles until she barely breath any more......Then she says......AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!!!
Its days like that when I take a moment to notice where I am, who I am, and what I have. This is my family.....and I love it.