Dear Norah,
Yesterday you turned 1 year old. You celebrated like a drunken chimpanzee. You have this way of wrapping your left arm snug around my upper arm as I hold you on my hip, tenured at rocking back and forth, up and down and digging your face into my neck when given even the slightest look from a stranger. When you took your first wobbly steps you might as well have had a cocktail in your hand, I wouldn't have noticed the difference. You loved it though.

Having kids really marks the time and makes is seem like its steamrolling by at a record pace. Its amazing to see what can happen in one year with a fresh new soul.

We started out 2006 waiting for you, me with a mighty big belly. One saturday morning, I woke up as any normal day, felt normal and ready to plan the days normal activities. Around lunch, I remember feeling heavy, kinda felt some back pain, nothing crazy. But I do remember walking past the kitchen as your dad was making a gourmet peanut butter and jelly english muffin and I said in passing....I think I'm having contractions. He stopped in his tracks.....REALLY? What do we do? Should we call the doctor? Should we go to the hospital? Do we have a bag packed? What ensued for him for the next few hours was hilarious, he began frantic movement around the house, going from room to room whipping around corners and through doorways, opening cabinets and closets.....not really getting anything accomplished, but at a very steady frantic pace. As I sat on the couch, for me, everything seemed to be moving in slow mothion, to watch him go from room to room with a look of determination and seriousness on is face was hilarious.
We called Grandma and she was down in a flash to watch Madelynn. We organized our bags and made our way to the hospital a few hours later and yes, at that time I finally felt like I was in labor. You arrived very easily later that evening. Crying your lungs out, a fierce fighting cry...the same one you have today.

Throughout the year, I watched your newly focusing eyes look in awe at your older sister, while she played by your side. You smiled with all your might at me at 1 week old. Rolled over at 3 months old. Learned to sit up surrounded by fluffy stuffed animals that Madelynn and I stacked around you to protect you from a fall. Sprouted teeth and learned how to sneak goldfish crackers from snack cups. Pulled yourself up to walk along the couch holding on for dear life. Taught yourself how to give kisses. And boy do you give some good hugs and you have a signature pat on the back that goes with it. Those hugs you give are so special and genuine and it melts my heart every time. In the past few weeks, with much encouragement, you have taken your first steps and I'm sure in no time you will be running and jumping and tearing around here.
So here we are, one year later, on the brink of toddlerhood and everything that goes along with messes and tantrums and giggles and sloppy kisses. I look forward to every new moment with you little one!

We love you Norah Buggaboo,
Mom, Dad, and Madelynn