September 15, 2006

Baking a Cake.

Madelynn's imagination has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few weeks. She can imagine almost any object to be anything else. This morning, she decided she was going to "bake a cake" in the kitchen. The cake being a pile of utensils and the oven a stool.

A few minutes in to her cullinary tasks, I realized we had not yet taken off her night-time diaper. Trying to peel her attention away from baking this cake was going to be a challanging and stratigic manouver. So, I decided to put what I thought was the "cake" into the "oven" and close the imaginary door to signal that the cake needed to cook for a while, giving us time to change the diaper. Well, little did I realize that the object I put into the "oven" was NOT actually the CAKE, and she hastily stomped over to the "oven", not saying a word, opened the imaginary door with dramatic precision and took it out, looked at me, flared her nostrils and shot daggers out of her eyes. I believe you have found your calling sweet heart...dramatic mime performance art.

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