April 09, 2007

Oh Shoot.

Me: "Oh shoot"

Madelynn: Why did you say Oh Shoot?

Me: Well, I put the dirty washcloth on top of the clean clothes pile by accident.

Madelynn: I like to say Oh Shoot.

Me: Oh ya? ( hmmm, is this a teaching moment?)

Madelynn: I also like to say Oh Shit.

Me: (Um, yes, this is a teaching moment in all its sparkle and glory) Oh really? I don't like to say it. (pure lie, fumbling, do I make a big deal of this? If I make a big deal, she might think more of it than if I let them moment pass and shrug it off.) Grandma doesnt like that word.... ( I say...)

Madelynn: Oh, ok.

(done, passed, didnt make a big deal, and hopefully we will not have to wash her mouth out with soap until she is at least 7.)

1 comment:

Mary-Frances said...

How hysterical! :-)