September 12, 2006

Conversations with a 2 year old.

Madelynn has a toy stroller made for her dolls and stuffed animals, so she can stroll around the house. She likes to pretend she is going to Target. I walked by her this morning as she was trying to squeeze both of her butt cheeks in the seat....

Madelynn: Mom, can you push me in this?

Me: That's not for you silly, its for your dolls.

Madelynn: MOM!! can you push me in this?

Me: No, thats for your dolls.

Madelynn: MOM.....CAN.....YOU ......PUSH......ME.....IN.....THIS.....?


Madelynn: Mom, is this for my dolls?

Me: sigh......


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Classic!!

Anonymous said...

Danny said it best....Classic!!! Sure brings back some hilarious memories to me.